Monday, February 29, 2016

Hold on to your knickers!!

While I was cooking breakfast this morning, I had the news playing on the little TV. The only news that they had to report that had nothing to do with the elections was weather and traffic.

The sausage was almost ready to flip when I heard that the KKK endorsed Trump. I imagine there are many others ready to flip over that bit of information. Sounds like the kiss of death for the Donald campaign.

I reached for the waffles from the toaster as the broadcast turned our attention to Hillary, and then to Cruz, and Rubio, and eventually back to Trump. Next was time for weather and traffic again.

What is going on that we need to know about in the rest of the world? If World War three broke out in the Middle East would we have to wait until after the election in November before we are told about it? Isaiah 17 is happening right now in Syria but we are told very little if anything about it. We are told about every ugly thing each candidate for president has said about another. What ever happens anywhere else is kept from us.

K-Dog had to be set up with fresh water in the den before we leave for school. When time came to get out to the car, we looked out at the fog that just moved in. I wiped off the windows. Little kitty cat neighbor made the scene. She wanted to see us off as we head out into the fog.

The fog got thicker as we headed for the highway. It seemed to remind me once again about how we are just as blinded about important developments overseas. We are indeed in the last seconds, of the last minutes, of the last hour, before the rapture happens. With all of the election coverage that may not even say a thing about a mass disappearance of so many world wide. I think that the coverage will continue and cover up for any of the candidates who were raptured out. 

Truth be told, I am not sure that we will have an election. This world is headed for rough times the likes of which have never been seen and will never be seen again. 

Will you be ready for when Jesus returns? 


Hold on to your knickers!! 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Storm Named Jonas

Skeptical Curmudgeon 

How often do they name a snow storm? January 22, 2016 was a snow storm that had a name. Interestingly enough, it was named Jonas, after the Old Testament prophet, Jonah (just a different pronunciation), who was sent to Nineveh. Besides the point that Jonah did not want to go there, he went and this is what he was told to say…

Jonah 3:4, “And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.”

What was the response? They repented! God had mercy on them and Nineveh was spared. Here is another connection. Did you know that January 22 is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade? This storm named Jonah slammed Washington D.C. 33 years after abortion was made legal.  Is this a coincidence? I don’t think so. Judgment it headed for America the likes of which we could not comprehend. Jonah said, “40 days.” Unlike Nineveh, there is no discernible repentance in America. What will happen 40 days after this storm? Should we be concerned? I think so, don’t you?

The connection between abortion and the worship of Moloch is obvious. Without going through the details, the worship of Moloch entails the sacrifice of babies. Can’t we say that abortion is essentially the same thing?  It doesn’t matter how they try to cover it up, abortion is a pagan practice. 

In the 1960’s there was the beginning of a culture change. One of the big pushes was “free love” which was just a new package for promiscuity. This has its roots in the worship of Ashtoreth. Ashtoreth was the fertility goddess consort of Moloch. See the connection?

Ok, now that we have established the pagan connection in American society lets look again at Jonah’s prophecy. He was told to say that there would be 40 days until Nineveh is overthrown. April 1st is the 40 day mark. Will the rapture happen before then or will the Christians in America be here during this time? What will happen that day?

Psalm 9:17 “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

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