Wednesday, August 3, 2016

King Jimmy's Translation

The King James translation of the Bible has been around for hundreds of years and uses language that is hard for the modern reader to understand. So the question is, why use it? Most people consider it out of date. Some would even argue that the translation is not what God said but what the translators of the 1600's  said. When the Apostles were inspired by God to pen the New Testament, they used the Koine Greek, the standard spoken and written language of the day to testify of Jesus. Likewise, the translating counsel of the 1600's used English of their day and time. Interestingly enough, the English used was considered high English. So, the terms that were used were not easily understood by the average person OF THAT TIME. The archaic words of the King James Version (KJV) seem to put a stumbling block in the way of understanding the Bible. Most people attempting to read the KJV must look up many of the words in a Bible dictionary or use a concordance to help decipher what they are trying to read. For instance, in Mark 10:14 when Jesus stated "Suffer the little children to come unto me," what is he really saying? In our modern speak, the word suffer brings images of pain and unpleasantness; however, when the KJV was written, it meant to let, to allow, or to permit. Many words used in the KJV are simply not used today, such as artificer (craftsman), bewray (betray), caul (fat), dearth (famine), holpen (help), ouches (settings), soddened (boiled), and wist (knew). A lack of clarity causes confusion. 

Newer translations attempt to put a modern meaning to archaic words but the King James Only (KJO) camp believes changing these archaic words actually changes God's word, which obviously is wrong. As an example of their misplaced dedication, let's look at I Corinthians 10:25, "Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that eat, asking no question for conscience sake:" What does "sold in the shambles" mean? For us today, the word shambles means an utter wreck or complete destruction; however, at this point in English history, the word shambles actually referred to a meat market. Shambles is not only an archaic term but it literally no longer has the same meaning. It seems that dedication to a particular tradition is the only reason to insist on continuing to use the word shambles. Here is the same verse taken from the New International Version (NIV), a translation that is roughly 50 years old and is quite easy to understand. As a matter of fact, the NIV was last updated in 2011. "Eat whatever is sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience". 

What translation should a new believer use? What if English is not their first language? Would they really benefit from the KJV? No, they would not! Giving this person a hard to understand translation simply would not communicate to him or her. Going back to the word shambles, which would make more sense, to say my room is a shambles or my room is a meat market? We should have simplified translations for people who do not understand English very well with the goal of moving then away from the simplified version as soon as possible. Think about it, the KJV translators had no way of knowing that many of the words they used would not always be used in the same way in a few hundred years. Don't look negatively on them, the translators gave their best efforts, using terms that made sense at that time, the words just no longer work with today's modern language. 

The KJV is a translation of the Bible - it is NOT the Bible itself. Translating the Bible into the English language - that by the way, did not exist back when the Bible was given by God - is not changing Scripture. It is making God's message to humankind more understandable in the English language. KJO argues that Christianity is being dumbed down by modern translations but ironically, KJO is the greatest example of dumbing down Christianity because it indulges people who don't want to deal with how we actually got the Bible. With the number of modern translations available there is really no good reason for further English translations, but at the same time, we should not have translations that are easily read by 1st graders. For example, let's say God's word was originally written at a level 10 (understanding that not all Scripture was written at the same level. The key purpose of I John is to set boundaries on the content of faith and to give believers assurance of their salvation whereas the book of Hebrews clearly lays out the present priestly ministry of Christ in the life of the believer. That He is the divine Son of God all the while being completely human, and that through Him we can boldly approach the Father. For this example though we will say that ALL Scripture is written at a level 10), but we decide to write a new translation at a level 5, one that uses easy to understand vocabulary. What do you do with what's in between? The Message (which is a paraphrase) cannot be considered a translation because there is so little connection between the original Greek text and the paraphrase. It is too dumbed down. 

Children, new believers, and new English speakers should use an easy to understand translation to help get them started but the goal is to see them grow and mature. A good English translation will clearly communicate on the level that the New Testament was written. It is not good to put unnecessary barriers between a person and the Word solely to uphold a tradition. We may not like where the English language is headed but we still have to communicate in it. The KJV translators would find the KJO movement laughable. The Apostles spoke in plain, everyday, Greek to their audience, shouldn't we follow their example? Shouldn't we use a translation that is written in modern, easily understood English?


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Truck Driver Spots Train Hauling Military Tanks

Truck Driver Spots Train Hauling Military Tanks

What are they getting ready to do?

They are prepping for something.
They are not telling us what they are up to.

The worst thing we can do is to make light of a situation

that has the potential of catching us off guard.


Prepare now so that you will be ready when!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Hold on to your knickers!!

While I was cooking breakfast this morning, I had the news playing on the little TV. The only news that they had to report that had nothing to do with the elections was weather and traffic.

The sausage was almost ready to flip when I heard that the KKK endorsed Trump. I imagine there are many others ready to flip over that bit of information. Sounds like the kiss of death for the Donald campaign.

I reached for the waffles from the toaster as the broadcast turned our attention to Hillary, and then to Cruz, and Rubio, and eventually back to Trump. Next was time for weather and traffic again.

What is going on that we need to know about in the rest of the world? If World War three broke out in the Middle East would we have to wait until after the election in November before we are told about it? Isaiah 17 is happening right now in Syria but we are told very little if anything about it. We are told about every ugly thing each candidate for president has said about another. What ever happens anywhere else is kept from us.

K-Dog had to be set up with fresh water in the den before we leave for school. When time came to get out to the car, we looked out at the fog that just moved in. I wiped off the windows. Little kitty cat neighbor made the scene. She wanted to see us off as we head out into the fog.

The fog got thicker as we headed for the highway. It seemed to remind me once again about how we are just as blinded about important developments overseas. We are indeed in the last seconds, of the last minutes, of the last hour, before the rapture happens. With all of the election coverage that may not even say a thing about a mass disappearance of so many world wide. I think that the coverage will continue and cover up for any of the candidates who were raptured out. 

Truth be told, I am not sure that we will have an election. This world is headed for rough times the likes of which have never been seen and will never be seen again. 

Will you be ready for when Jesus returns? 


Hold on to your knickers!! 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Storm Named Jonas

Skeptical Curmudgeon 

How often do they name a snow storm? January 22, 2016 was a snow storm that had a name. Interestingly enough, it was named Jonas, after the Old Testament prophet, Jonah (just a different pronunciation), who was sent to Nineveh. Besides the point that Jonah did not want to go there, he went and this is what he was told to say…

Jonah 3:4, “And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.”

What was the response? They repented! God had mercy on them and Nineveh was spared. Here is another connection. Did you know that January 22 is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade? This storm named Jonah slammed Washington D.C. 33 years after abortion was made legal.  Is this a coincidence? I don’t think so. Judgment it headed for America the likes of which we could not comprehend. Jonah said, “40 days.” Unlike Nineveh, there is no discernible repentance in America. What will happen 40 days after this storm? Should we be concerned? I think so, don’t you?

The connection between abortion and the worship of Moloch is obvious. Without going through the details, the worship of Moloch entails the sacrifice of babies. Can’t we say that abortion is essentially the same thing?  It doesn’t matter how they try to cover it up, abortion is a pagan practice. 

In the 1960’s there was the beginning of a culture change. One of the big pushes was “free love” which was just a new package for promiscuity. This has its roots in the worship of Ashtoreth. Ashtoreth was the fertility goddess consort of Moloch. See the connection?

Ok, now that we have established the pagan connection in American society lets look again at Jonah’s prophecy. He was told to say that there would be 40 days until Nineveh is overthrown. April 1st is the 40 day mark. Will the rapture happen before then or will the Christians in America be here during this time? What will happen that day?

Psalm 9:17 “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.”

Related Links;

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Speak it to the universe!

There was a time when I went ga-ga over the teachings that came from the Word of Faith movement. Everyday that I could, I would watch Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagin, by the time Creflo Dollar came, on I was still goofy over the notes I took watching the others! If I found either of them on, I would watch Jesse DuPlantis or R.W, Schambach. Dude! I was eating their teachings up!! Do you remember the Pensacola Revival!? I wanted to go there so bad. Somehow or someway things were going to get better! my wife would be healed. I would be healed. We could claim and call into existence all manner of wonderful things.  

Have you ever heard of the Happy Hunter’s Healing School? I went through that. If it was of God then we should have been able to tell by the multitudes that were healed. Many things they said did not sound right but I was willing to go along with it, expecting to see results. One night a retarded boy was brought in for prayer. I knew him. I had known him for years. Now I could see him healed! It didn’t happen. My wife attended on the last night of it for prayer. We gathered to pray for her healing. I was so excited! It didn’t happen. Also, a blessing was pronounced over the folks there. Any financial gift that was given that night would come back ten fold. At the time, we were in great need of money. With two kids in Christian School, we needed money. A lot of our income was invested in the future of our kids. Between the two of us we had $20. Ten fold back would be $200. That would be very helpful. It didn’t happen. Thank God we made it through without the $20.

There was a nagging that persisted in my mind, “Why is it that this teaching was not taught by Dr. Criswell, Billy Graham, Dr. McGee, Adrian Rogers, Dr. Willmington, Josh McDowell, Jerry Falwell, Dr. Ryrie, my dad, or any pastor that I had ever had?” But then again, why didn’t any of the faith teachers ever go through the Bible like Dr. McGee or Dr. Criswell? Why didn’t they tell folks how to get saved like Billy Graham? Why was it that they seemed to hover over only a handful of verses and avoid everything else? Why did they never teach the fear of the Lord? A  friend asked me, “If Kenneth Copeland and all of the Word of Faith bunch were teaching the truth, why do they not clear out the hospitals?” I thought, “I’ll show you, smarty!!” I decided I would go to the local hospital chapel and pray that everyone ill would be healed. However, I began asking questions that could only be answered by studying it out for myself. Word of Faith was not what I thought it was.

God allowed me to go to Bible college where I was taught that the Word of Faith teaching was wrong. It was a Fundamental Baptist school, so it had other issues that compounded the doctrinal errors I was battling by adding legalism to the mix. At the time, I didn’t know enough Bible to know what was right and why. Years went by and along came John Crowder and Sid Roth, back I went into the charismatic mess. Worse still was that I brought a daughter along with me.

I have had a book for many years that I didn’t want to read because it was right and it would show me that I was wrong. Well actually, those teachers were wrong and I was foolish for falling for their heresy. The name of the book was The Seduction of Christianity by Dave Hunt. I started to study it, plus I watched videos of Dr. James White, James Hunt, Bob George and Bob Christopher. As I began reading and studying in The Seduction of Christianity, I also began  comparing everything I heard preached and taught with what I read in the doctrinal books of of the New Testament (Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, etc.) This really helped to straighten out my doctrine.

I began praying that God would help me to find the RIGHT teachers that spoke in agreement to what I read in the Bible. He has since answered that prayer. He continues to, even now. I had been battling charismatic false teachings and legalism at the same time, but when I started listening to People to People on the radio and read the book, Classic Christianity by Bob George, I found His rest. When I can, I will get a copy of Basic Gospel by Bob Christopher. 

Now, any time I hear anything that is contradictory with what is in the doctrinal books of the New Testament, I have a reaction. My daughter is getting into C.S. Lewis and I have been getting into Spurgeon.  All of us are into the Word of God.

I suppose that you can boil it down to one question. Who’s in charge here? In what I had learned from the Word of Faith bunch, if we use our faith as a force, then we cause God to act and do as we command.  Clearly, we get a different picture as we look at Colossians 1:16-19 and Hebrews 1. 

Here are some very good supporting videos…

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Yes it burns!

Yes it Burns

Once again, an MLM business proves to be a bad career choice. It is just a matter of time before it gets around that I dropped the ball again. I can already hear the sympathetic voices, “I am so glad that you came to your senses.” Please, allow me to translate that statement, “I am glad to see you failed, and I am glad you will no longer tell me about your great product and opportunity, and most of all, I am thankful that my lack of involvement was a part of your defeat.” Most people’s well wishes have always been nothing more than hidden curses.

The business idea is great until you start having to deal with people. Most folks rejoice in your failure but they usually keep it to themselves. Others just don’t care one way or another. People are a lot like sheep, but at times, they are more like cats. Sheep will follow as long as they don’t have to do anything. Cats only do what they want, when they want, with no regard for others.  When I was a kid, we had a cat that would get on top of the TV set where it was warm. That was only part of the reason for getting up there. She liked to swish her tail in front of the screen so that she could watch us get bent out of shape over it.

If you want a friend, get a dog. K-Dog loves to play but he also likes to just hang with each of us. My son’s family has a dog that is very different than K-Dog, all she wants is attention and lots of loving. When my sweat pants have dog hair from both dogs, I feel double blessed.

I learned a little more about people from this business experience.  If everyone you see is no longer of any value, unless you can use them in making money, there is something wrong. On the other hand, if you have the most simple business with a product that almost anyone can enjoy and all could benefit from, don’t count on anyone’s ability to see it. Whosoever I see, whether in person or represented online, is someone who is facing some kind of struggle. They want sympathy and not a solution. I pray for them and go on. If I try to help, that would usually make them angry with me. 

Just to show you how weird some people think, here is a true story.  There was a man who was approached with a particular MLM business opportunity. The man saw its great potential but he declined to join. Why? His reasoning was that it was so great a business that everyone would join, leaving no chance for growth. In his thinking, the market would become saturated with people in the business. Unfortunately for this man, he failed to see that businesses like Amway have been around for 50 years and not everyone has joined, but it is still thriving.